Pacific Furniture Service
P.F.S. sells original, user-friendly furniture with a universal appeal, embodying a vision that stands up to prevailing values and fleeting trends.You can also come to P.F.S. for made-to-order furniture, space design consultations, and many other elements that can help you live a freer, more open life.(OPEN in1997)
ADDRESS : 1-20-4 Ebisuminami Shibuya-ku Tokyo Japan
OPENING HOUR : 12:00pm - 19:00pm ( CLOSE Tuesday )
P.F.S. Parts Center
At the P.F.S. PARTS CENTER, you can also find a selection of parts, household goods, and other items that we know firsthand to be helpful, easy-to-use products. If you’ re one of those people who’ d rather not cut corners on anything, even the tiniest little details, we’ ve got the goods that’ ll meet your lifestyle needs.(OPEN in 2002)
ADDRESS : 1-17-5, Ebisu-minami, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, 150-0022
OPENING HOUR : 12:00am - 19:00pm ( CLOSE Tuesday&Wednesday )
We makes all its furniture by hand at its very own factory, a place that defies conventional categories: it’ s not a workshop that specializes in made-to-order products, not a facility that deals exclusively in mass-pro- duction projects, and not a place for just “making things.” The factory goes beyond all that it’ s a place where we give shape to ideas. Established in1988
ADDRESS : 3-24-1 Hayabuchi Tsuzuki-ku Yokohama Kanagawa Japan